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Inder Bedi's FAQs

Our founder, Inder Bedi, is going to be participating in a lot of events over the next few months. From Holt’s Edit panels, to our grand opening event happening in our new flagship store in Montreal on October 20th, to many different holiday markets and shows between Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, and New York. We thought we would take a moment to “hand him the mic” so that you could get to know him a little better. If you have any questions you would like to ask him, feel free to drop a comment or - even better - stop by and ask him in person! To see our events list, click here. If you aren't able to make it to any of our upcoming events, feel free to send him an email at

The founder of Bedi Studios; Inder Bedi candidly shot in front of a rack of his sustainable outerwear creations

What inspired you to begin your journey into what is now BEDI Studios?

I often say that BEDI was born in a scrapyard in Laval. Being surrounded by a graveyard of empty, unused, and scrapped cars feels post-apocalyptic and is almost surreal. All of this waste was created by us, and will never biodegrade but will rather stay here cluttering and polluting our earth unless we can find something to make of it. Our first collection was made from upcycled Air Canada seats, and we never looked back.

What inspires you to create?

I have spent the last decade of my career researching and developing a newer, slower way to approach fashion. I feel inspired to create art that not only preserves our planet but actually goes a step further in cleaning up our environment. As long as there is "trash" or old materials that could be reused to create something new and beautiful, I will have inspiration to create.

What does your creative process look like?

My inspiration for BEDI is the drive to create newness using materials that already exist. A huge misconception is that you need to sacrifice design or utility to make sustainable choices, and ultimately my creative process lies in continuing to find and improve on solutions to this challenge. I am passionate about design and minimalism, and I find joy in watching my vision come to life in the most sustainable, transparent way possible. Our decision process does not start with the idea of a product, but rather with the discovery of an old material that could be used in a new and creative way, grounded in slow fashion.

What do you do in your free time?

I am grateful that my passion and work are one in the same, so I get to do what I love every day. That being said, the nature of starting a small business can be all-consuming, so I am very mindful of how I use the little free time I do have. 

Family is a top priority for me. I do my best to incorporate as much one-on-one time with my 3 kids whenever I have the opportunity. 

I love cycling, and whenever I can I cycle to and from work. It gives me the opportunity to focus on movement while also taking in this creative hub of a city in which I get to live.

Lastly, I am very passionate about my meditation practice. Mindfulness is something that I try to bring into my personal life as well as into BEDI Studios every day, and is really at the foundation of everything I do and even the ethos of our brand.

Image of the founder of bedi Studios; Inder Bedi candidly shot in front of a rack of his sustainable outerwear creations

Everything BEDI Studios is handmade in Canada. What is something special to you that is handmade?

I made a hammer by hand, and it is by far one of my most cherished possessions. I took a carpentry class several years ago in Hudson, Quebec. It is one of the few courses of its kind offered in North America, using old-school craftsmanship with hand tools and no electricity. I've used this tool countless times over the years and it now has a home in our new studio. 

What does the future hold for BEDI STUDIOS?

Short term, we are developing a line of belts and utilitarian bags made from discarded leather scraps (We've teamed up with an Italian mill that recycles scraps of thrown out leather).

Long term, I would like to get into upcycled furniture, and would love to explore opening additional locations in inspiring cities such as Brooklyn and Portland.


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